Until the next time, dear London town


CipactliIn the Aztec calendar is Cipactli (crocodile) Day and is governed by Tonacatecuhtli, Lord of Nurturance as its provider of Tonali, the Shadow Soul-Ka of life energy. Cipactli is an auspicious day, signifying advancement and honor. It depicts energy & work, rewards & recognition. A GOOD DAY FOR BEGINNINGS.

Feeling eternally grateful, London, you’ve changed my life… Not only changed it but defined it. I am leaving a piece of my heart in every corner where I walked by and in every person that I ever came across with. My friends whom I deeply love & my yoga space kept me balance.

8.00am – I find myself in my empty room in London. It is empty but somehow I can feel I left a bit of me here. I just cannot believe yet that this is the last time I will be sleeping in this bed, looking through this window & being in between these walls that can certainly tell a story or two. Is this even real? Am I going to wake up some day and realize this is all a dream? Oh well, it is a dream well worth dreaming – what is reality anyway?

I say “good-bye” to my flatmate, my lovely german girl whom I´ve enjoyed my last few weeks with, sharing great moments and trying to eat London in one bite for the “last time”. Today she gave a very meaningful gift to me; it kind of makes me feel we are traveling together. They are a few little envelopes which are hiding encouraging thoughts that I can read every time I feel the need to “get by with a little help from my friends” ♪: “Feeling happy”, “Feeling love pain”, “Thinking too much”… I know they are all waiting there for the right moment.

9.15am – I am out of the door getting into the taxi that would bring me to the airport. The driver is Indian and we talked for an hour and a half. It was a nice company and time flew, like when having coffee with a friend. I kept seeing his eyes through the rear view mirror, tired but gentle eyes. We arrived and said good-bye, and for some reason I felt like hugging him. I guess he felt the same way…. We hugged.


1.10pm – I open my first envelope on the plane towards my destination: India. I am about to take off. The envelope reads:

“Being nervousFeeling nervous isn´t bad. It just means something important is happening.”

With a smile on my face, I know that the beginning of a great adventure is just about to start.

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