Goa welcomes my new path


Today is the day where exactly one month ago I was living my very last working day in the corporate world. One month ago, huh? time flies when you are having fun, they say.

I am fully installed in Goa now, looking at the ocean and breathing pure nature around me. Feeling the warmth, not only from the climate but from the people too. On the first day here everybody knows your name – I am not just a guest in Room H-1 – here I am me, I am Laura. It feels nice, gives that sense of familiarity.

It´s been a week since I arrived to this beautiful place. I look around me and I suddenly think… since when did it become so normal to be here?. It feels like if I am just back to a place where I have been before. At the same time though, it feels like a different kind of world, a world that can´t be found everywhere. I look at my right and see people meditating in the beach or outside of their little huts. I look to the left and I see people doing yoga, tai chi and humming “om”s in front of the sea. I look to the front and the sunset is setting just in front of my eyes. Finally, I look back and I could not imagine my life without choosing this path, this journey that has JUST started!. The journey of self-discovery, the journey of oneness, of authentic happiness and contentment, of liberation… of non-attachent… And with the latter I am now starting to open a new little road in my yoga path. A new lesson for this life.

Feeling eternally grateful for that.

Love yoga


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