
This is a space that has lived in my head for a while. I have always loved writing. I am not a writer though, so most likely it will be full of imperfections and lack of structure. All my life I have tried to make things perfect, to be perfect and not to show anything to anybody unless its perfect! but this time, I´m ok with imperfection. This is just me, trying to make the gap between myself and others a bit smaller, by freeing the access of a part of me that once I felt terrified to share, and hoping that whoever comes across this page does not leave without taking a word or thought which helps to make their day a little bit brighter.

– NAMASTÉ. My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire Universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty & peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are ONE. –

Universe eye

lifeyesbylaura – simply came from the words “Life” and “Eyes”, and what it means to me is that whatever is written here, whether if its good or bad, clever or silly, real or unreal, truth or untruth, it is just Life seen through my eyes. It also stands for “Life – Yes!” and in here I am saying Yes to whatever life has prepared for me. I will open my arms and receive the wonders, with arms wide open so they can come and go as they need to. And hopefully also I am able to pay them forward, someday, to someone, to everyone.

“Let come what comes, Let go what goes, See what remains”

– Ramana Maharshi

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