Writings in a New Moon


Jul 24th 2017 0.00 hours

New moon is here. I have been expecting it for a while. Unconsciously I knew it was going to be special somehow, although I didn’t imagine how. I buried some very special crystals on the ground last night and will leave them to take some grounding and loving energy from Mother Earth until they are ready for their purpose.

I woke up today at 6am with this huge, immense pain in my lower belly. My period arrived and to begin with, I was a bit resistant about it coming in a New Moon because in the last years it had been beautifully synchronized with the Full Moon.

I think with all the travels and time zone changes, etc., it started to move slowly until it turns out that it now begins in a New Moon. According to what I’ve read and heard, this should actually be the period of ovulation, so basically, I’m switched.

I had a strange dream where one of my best friends who has known me for about 25 years, expressed something about me that I did not agree with. I wanted her to change her opinion about me so I wrote her a message explaining her why it wasn’t like that and also making her feel guilty about it. When I woke up, I realized that the thoughts I was having while writing this message in my dream were actually confirming what my friend thought about me there. It got me thinking all day: Where does the dream stops and where does “reality” begins?

Despite the tough start of the day, the rest of it went quite well as I did my best to take it slowly and stress-free. But in the evening when coming home, I had a reminder. A reminder for something very important that I have to do, and was about to let it go and “forget” about it. I was ‘this close’ to ignore it and keep on with my comfort, avoiding any sort of chaos that could come certain decisions that are necessary for my own growth. It was a huge revelation, not because I didn’t know it, but because it came in the perfect moment.

I then had to be reminded that New Moons are Moons for New Beginnings. New Moons are an opportunity to grow, plant your seeds on very steady ground and take care of them until the time comes for them to bloom. New Moons are for INTENTIONS…

And yes, they are challenging too, because if you go through them unconsciously, then unconsciously you will plant unwanted seeds. Or you will be asleep during this very important manifestation time.


I sincerely ask today that whatever is inside of me that does not serve me anymore, find its way out… so that the wishes that are really deep in my heart can find their way in. ❤

Thank You to the souls and events that helped me open my eyes today in this special day, inspiring me to remain true to myself, no matter what.