New Beginnings


“Every day is a new beginning… Take a deep breath and start again”

In the mmayankin-01-imix-red-dragon-288x300ayan calendar today we start with the Red Dragon Wavespell, which marks the Power of Birth and New Beginnings.

I woke up today feeling a little bit nervous. I am flying to Oaxaca, Mexico, a place that I’ve wanted to visit for a while. I feel as if this is a longer trip than it actually is. I’m only going for 10 days but for some reason it feels a little bit like a goodbye in some ways. I woke up feeling a little bit nervous today… and I think the reason is because it does mark a different stage in my life. Not the trip itself, but the feelings I have.

Yesterday I went to sleep looking around in my room and snuggling in my bed, enjoying them fully and thinking that it was going to be the last night in 10 days that I sleep in my cozy bed :P. This morning it was kind of hard to let it go! I didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to prolong the time I could stay laying there feeling the warmth & comfort of it. I finally stood up, thinking that I actually haven’t felt this kind of material attachment in a while.

For the first time in almost 4 months I haven’t had the solo traveller feeling I am having today; the feeling of starting something new, of going out there to explore, of taking chances and being open to allow new things to happen… but most importantly, the feeling of letting go of my comfort zone.

Yes’ I’ve been kind of in a comfort zone for a while. I’be been enjoying my family and my time at home, but recently I’ve also been pushed to a situation that has brought me to think: When are you actually gonna start to live again? When was the last time that you felt that your life was going amazingly well? Personally and professionally speaking? Well, I’ve had my ups and downs of course; nothing is fully black or white. But today I had again this weird sensation <somehow addictive> where you are preparing for your flight and it feels like if you are preparing for a life change as if finally I’m ready to literally take-off, in all senses.


It takes you out of the box, yes. It makes you feel nervous because you can’t see what’s ahead, yes. But boy it feels good. It feels fresh. It feels new. And new it’s always good – all changes are.

So while I’m on the plane, overlooking the deserted landscape of my city, I know that when I come back, when I fly over this same piece of land again in a few days time, I won’t be the same person who left. I will be renewed. I will be ready and open for whatever life has for me… and I can’t wait 🙂



I opened this envelope (there’s still a few left unopened) with the initial emotion being first that one… but after reading the message and writing my thoughts, it suddenly changed to feeling pretty enthusiastic about what’s coming.

So, thank God for written therapy:)
