New India 2019


Mysore, Karnataka, India. 17th of January 2019.

I’m back in India, after 9 months away. So much can happen in 9 months… the cycle of birth. Some of these months felt like I’ve been in incubation and now I’m coming out to the world again. I hope this is like a re-birth along with this new year, which according to numerology it’s a #1 for me – beginnings.

It’s not that easy to admit, but I’ve more or less taken a 9 month break from yoga, which is the most I’ve gone without it. I did bits here and there, but nothing constant and nothing that lasted more than 1 hour per week, sometimes per month. It has been mostly Yin. And Yin in every sense: Yin yoga, Yin life, Yin everything. Except with the eating, that was pretty much Yang 😅.

I have been here for a week, but it seems much longer than that. I am enjoying the non-doing, which is very common here (if you want). You can be as busy as you want to be with all the courses and classes offered, but this time it’s just the coming back to my practice slowly, and working again on being present.

This place is a big mirror for me which shows me where I am. Last year I was sooo present. This time, it’s like I’m here but I’m not. I’m here but I’m in the future, worrying about what’s next  for me and what do I want to do with my life. I don’t want to be a hippie of the world my whole life. I love traveling and I don’t think I’ll ever stop but I’m starting to miss a home of my own, somewhere to go back to and feel like: ahhhhh, THIS.

Mysore this time is different for me, it always is. And I had doubts my first days here whether if coming was a good idea or not. My friend Courtney’s answer to this was: India is never a mistake!! And she is right. Whether if you have a tough time or a wonderful one, there is always a lesson in here. It’s such a compassionate place; it gives you so much. Once, some Indian guy on the streets asked my friend why did she come here for? “To learn yoga? meditation?” After the hundredth time she’d probably been asked that, she reluctantly and unimpressed said yes. And he then said: you westerners, you all come and you take the yoga, you take the meditation, you take the ayurveda, you take India and you bring it all back to your country… (Ouch) He is right too.

My mind keeps rambling… “What am I doing here again?”, “I shouldn’t come back next year”, “Why am I doing asanas for?”, “Why meditation?”, “Why all of this?”. I know India creates in me sometimes a kind of Love/Hate relationship, and I know too that I’ve just been here for a week, so I’m just being patient and trying to relax. And whatever is meant to happen this time, will happen. Although…


Writings in a New Moon


Jul 24th 2017 0.00 hours

New moon is here. I have been expecting it for a while. Unconsciously I knew it was going to be special somehow, although I didn’t imagine how. I buried some very special crystals on the ground last night and will leave them to take some grounding and loving energy from Mother Earth until they are ready for their purpose.

I woke up today at 6am with this huge, immense pain in my lower belly. My period arrived and to begin with, I was a bit resistant about it coming in a New Moon because in the last years it had been beautifully synchronized with the Full Moon.

I think with all the travels and time zone changes, etc., it started to move slowly until it turns out that it now begins in a New Moon. According to what I’ve read and heard, this should actually be the period of ovulation, so basically, I’m switched.

I had a strange dream where one of my best friends who has known me for about 25 years, expressed something about me that I did not agree with. I wanted her to change her opinion about me so I wrote her a message explaining her why it wasn’t like that and also making her feel guilty about it. When I woke up, I realized that the thoughts I was having while writing this message in my dream were actually confirming what my friend thought about me there. It got me thinking all day: Where does the dream stops and where does “reality” begins?

Despite the tough start of the day, the rest of it went quite well as I did my best to take it slowly and stress-free. But in the evening when coming home, I had a reminder. A reminder for something very important that I have to do, and was about to let it go and “forget” about it. I was ‘this close’ to ignore it and keep on with my comfort, avoiding any sort of chaos that could come certain decisions that are necessary for my own growth. It was a huge revelation, not because I didn’t know it, but because it came in the perfect moment.

I then had to be reminded that New Moons are Moons for New Beginnings. New Moons are an opportunity to grow, plant your seeds on very steady ground and take care of them until the time comes for them to bloom. New Moons are for INTENTIONS…

And yes, they are challenging too, because if you go through them unconsciously, then unconsciously you will plant unwanted seeds. Or you will be asleep during this very important manifestation time.


I sincerely ask today that whatever is inside of me that does not serve me anymore, find its way out… so that the wishes that are really deep in my heart can find their way in. ❤

Thank You to the souls and events that helped me open my eyes today in this special day, inspiring me to remain true to myself, no matter what.

KNOW THY SELF – A Vipassana 10-DAY Silent Meditation


19-Apr-17. Tiruvannamalai, India.

It’s been a year and a half since I’ve been looking to experience a Vipassana course. Finally, this year the planets aligned. First time I heard about it was by watching an old movie called “Doing Time, Doing Vipassana” which documented the effects this technique had in many of the inmates of a high security prison in India.

I took the course at a new centre in the holy city of Tiruvannamalai in the state of Tamil Nadu, in India. My friend Courtney invited me and without hesitation I said Yes. Now it feels as if I came out of that centre ages ago! It was quite an experience. I passed through so many phases in there – every single minute was different from the other and I jumped constantly from wanting to run away to wanting to practice the technique very seriously so that I didn’t miss anything important.

But before I go any further I just want to give a little introduction…

Once upon a time there was a prince called Gautama Siddhartha who dedicated many years of his life to find himself. He knew there was something much deeper, which he was missing amongst the luxurious life he was living. He was searching for the divine, the creator, the God inside of him. Apparently he had been trying for a few lives already.

So this time he left everything behind to try many sorts of different ways – some of them quite extreme – and realized after all that even though these techniques helped somehow, none of them brought him close to what he wanted to discover. So, he decided determinately to stop them all and come up with his own way: He sat on a tree in the city of Bodh Gaya to meditate and observe the sensations in his body, and committed to himself not to leave this tree and not to change his position EVER until he had reach enlightment. And so at the age of 35, he did. And this is where the technique of Vipassana has its origin.

The main goal… is to Wake Up.

Having said that… This is my story, day by day.

If you’re not interested in my daily struggles its more than fair, so I’ve put a summary section at the bottom 🙂

  • Day 0 – Arrived to the center.

I have 2 roommates and the rooms look pretty decent. The beds are like hard rocks, but I think I’ll be ok (how bad they can be?).

A little introduction and guidelines were given to us before we started.

So far so good… I can’t wait for the silence to start.

  • Day 1 – Early start, bell woke us up at 4am.

4.30am: First meditation. The technique so far is observing our breath: watching how it goes in and out of our nostrils…. over and over and over again.

7am: Breakfast

8am: More meditation (zzz). What have I gotten myself into?

11am: Had the quickest lunch ever and went back for a nap. By then, I felt as if a whole day had gone by already. Is it really just 11am? We’ve been meditating for 5 hours already!

1pm: Meditation for 4 more hours (oh my God) with just a couple of 5-10 min break.

5pm: Tea time, which is basically our “dinner” made up of a fist-size of beans and tea.

6pm: Meditation for another hour followed by a discourse video about the technique explained by Goenka, the man who has been distributing these courses all around the world.

8.30pm: Half an hour meditation. Isn’t there enough already?

9pm: Individual questions, if any, to the supportive teachers who are just sitting there meditating with everyone, holding the space I suppose.

9.30pm: Bed time (yay!). Finally I’ll get to rest my body from sitting for hours. Oh no, wait… we have stone beds.

Gosh. Was that just 1 day?

  • Day 2 – Why do I do this to myself?

I had a dream about my dad, a quite significant one. It’s the second one this week, the first one happened a night or two before coming here, and that one was even weirder. I think they are actually trying to tell me something. I’ll keep an eye…

Skipped breakfast and lunch – which left me with only beans and tea for dinner. The worst is that I don’t really care – I just want to leave. But everyone talks so highly about it! I don’t get it.

I miss food, friends, my own time. I feel like I’m in a freaking concentration camp.

  • Day 3 – My period arrived (great).

… so I’ve been lying down most of the day. Skipped a couple of hours meditation and lunch.

Desperation, boredom. Is this all necessary? The day has been eternal. A day here can easily equal 3 of the ‘real world’.

Tea time has become my favourite time of the day. Too bad drinking a tea doesn’t last that long.

  • Day 4 – They will teach us Vipassana today (finally).

Probably that’s why I woke up feeling much more alive and positive.

I catched myself smiling a couple of times. Maybe some divine support finally arrived.

I started taking some Moringa super-food powder so maybe it gave me some energy too. Within a few minutes everything can change of course.

The whole day has almost passed and no Vipassana yet. It can’t be true… I’ve been doing the very same thing for 4 days already! Ok relax; you have somehow survived, isn’t it? Lets wash some clothes, that’ll keep you busy.

Moon is almost full.

  • Day 5 – Started the day happy and positive.

Vipassana was taught to us last evening and so now I have something else to get entertained with during the long meditation hours.

I have so much energy today – someone give me a laptop to do some work! Or maybe some Rocket yoga? (I wish)

I broke the rules and started writing a bit. I also found some candy on my purse. I will break it down so it lasts for the rest of the 5 days.

Few hours after trying the new additions to the technique I started to get bored again. Is there something else coming? Is this it?

Towards the end of the day something good happened. I had an insight about what could be one of the main miseries I struggle with in my life. Misery is a word you hear a lot in here, since we are trying to get rid of that. Although sometimes it feels like we hear it a bit too much.

Today has been the first day I don’t feel like running away the whole day. Just maybe a few times a day, which is already an advantage.

Full moon day & half way through.

Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 10.15.00 PM

  • Day 6 – I had a strange dream about my brother.

Woke up super sensitive and dropped a tear or two, but after a while that feeling left me and a sudden good feeling took over. My humor was notoriously good compared to previous days.

The painful chanting during breaks and meditation don’t seem to bother me today. Must be that my ears are immune already.

For the first time I managed 45 minutes without moving a single hair of my body or having any discomfort. Took a 5 minute break and had another hour of that and then again 1 hour and 5 minutes (yes, every minute counts).

I was excited, but after a bit I got bored and didn’t want to do it anymore. The last hour of meditation of the day, I had to actually be dragged out of my room (argh).

It was a good day after all. I re-discovered something that I already knew but that somehow it was made clear again today; and this is that doubt is really my biggest enemy. It doesn’t allow me to move forward… And this is a big one for me.

  • Day 7 – Not many significant or strong thoughts today.

… except that I’m looking very much forward to the finish line. Although teachings say ‘No clinging’, so I’m trying to live by the moment… Omm.

We started using individual cells to meditate. They are ok. At least I can rest my back on the wall, for a change. But – no fans! Luckily the heat has been quite bearable today. The Earth is finally giving us a break.

Today I stayed a little longer after the last meditation to ask a question. I asked how does it come that by just observing our sensations we will suddenly become free? My main concern really, and specially after having worked with a different approach the last month, is that I believe that if we just observe our sensations but don’t look at whatever is coming with them, we then cannot liberate ourselves from it. Is this totally wrong? I told the supportive teacher that I didn’t feel any different after all these days of practicing the technique. She replied that I didn’t need to – that the most important thing is that I remain equanimous. I am super confused. Something is missing for me.

I can still see a full moon on the sky! It’s been 4 days already. What a beautiful gift.

  • Day 8 – I notice a calm and quiet mind…

But I have questions. How to remain equanimous? Does it mean I should have no preferences at all?

Still 3 more days to go. Patience my dear, patience.

I noticed today something different at the end of the day. I think I am finally getting that the point isn’t just to notice the differences of the physical sensations of the body, but it’s about understanding that every emotion holds within an internal sensation. And as Goenka said, what we become addicted to is to the emotions, not to things or people, but to the emotions that those things or people trigger in us. So in a meditation I observed that when a certain thought aroused, pleasant or unpleasant, instead of focusing on this emotion, I immediately went inside to the sensation that was coming up with it (pain, pulsations, tingling sensations or whatever that might be). I identified it within the body, observed it and worked on maintaining that emotion – which was lying behind the sensations – completely equanimous by not feeling any craving or aversion towards it, but simply balancing it without allowing it to make me react or alter other parts of me – for good or for bad.

Whether if this is the right way or not, I feel I achieved something finally!

  • Day 9 – The full technique was given to us.

It is a cloudy day – the first one that I don’t want to die of asphyxia.

I got to sleep a little bit better today and I can really tell the difference.

During the whole time here I’ve been having these sudden big smiles on my face, which have been showing up while recalling certain memories of events or people I love.

Today the smiles are not about memories. They are just a significant enjoyable feeling of knowing that we are almost there.

  • Day 10 – Final day.

Last few meditations and bye bye J The silence is broken, which is the only thing I am actually disappointed about. But this is just my anti-social side speaking. Apart from that, I am freeeeeee! (or not).



Those 10 days at the center were for me mostly a torture. A constant thought in my head was repeating over and over again: why are you doing this to yourself? What did you get yourself into? Why, just why?

One would think that meditation could only be a torture if you really do not want to look at yourself, if you are not able to sit and watch your thoughts without wanting to run away from them, or if you are scared to look deeper and find the root cause of your suffering. Maybe at a certain level all of those are true for me, but my main enemy during this time in there was boredom. I was truly really very bored.

The first 4 days all you are taught is Ana Pana meditation technique, which is basically just watching your breath – how it goes in and out of your nostrils. This is it. For 10 hours a day you just do that. I honestly don’t know how I made it up to the 4th day. After that they gave us more little by little. It was like feeding a baby: first giving us only mother’s milk for strong foundations, then some other liquids and puree, and only after, the solids came. I felt exactly like this, a baby in its growth stage.

On the first couple of days my thoughts were mainly about running away – 24/7. It really did feel like a concentration camp for me: having men and women segregation (which I personally preferred), being served the same food every single day, getting no real dinner and feeling so hungry every night before bed, having to listen to painful chanting recordings through the horns, not being allowed to read, write, listen to music, or having any other form of practice, i.e., yoga, stretching, running…

Because of all of this, I happened to nap A LOT. Sometimes my roommates needed to wake me up because I was sleeping so deeply I couldn’t hear the bell. Naps were my favourite part of the day too – they took me to a happy place and kept me sane.

All these first days I was really missing owning my own time, missing my friends, my comforts, good food, a few mundane distractions here and there. Yes I know, I’m naming just material stuff, exactly what Vipassana want you to detach from, but hey, they were really very hard days!

The rest of the days I just felt so bored, so out of energy, so desperate, so tired of having so little rest for my body. Every afternoon my upper back was hurting so much of being sited for so many hours, and sleeping in those stone beds did not help either. I felt really tired most of the time and I kept wondering if I would see some benefits at all after these 10 days? The technique is really good I think, but why the extra torture?

The main reasons I worked really hard to stay were because first of all, Courtney was there and without a word she gave me constant moral support and strength to keep going! And second of all for Goenka’s discourses at night, because when you listened to him it happen to all make a lot of sense. Your questions are answered as if he has heard you asking them. And then you get a kick, at least until the next day.

I am not saying the technique didn’t work for me. It actually did. After coming out of the center my mind had the most still, non-moving, non-thinking, non-anything best 2 days of my entire life. The moment I started to think something that didn’t involved the NOW, which means it was past or the future, it took about 10 seconds to effortless dissipate on its own, bringing me back to the beautiful present. This is really all we have. There is nothing about the past that we can fix. Yes, we can learn from it, but thinking about it and going around in circles is not going to help. Healing the past takes a different approach, I believe. And thinking about the future is so so pointless. I very regularly have these inner thoughts about what am I going to say, or how am I going to say it, or how am I going to react when this or that happens. This is so exhausting and generally it ends up taking me nowhere as the situations I imagined & wasted energy in, are never ever as I picture them.

Life is constantly changing. WE are constantly changing, by the second.

Goenka said it simply: we are masses made up of vibrations, and constant change. We have to accept impermanence. It is the most important thing.

So yes, I had a painful time in there, but I too gained a lot from these 10 days. It took me a while, but somehow I had a glimpse of how my mind can be and how peaceful and beautifully calm that state is.

I didn’t practice the technique enough to say for myself that there is another step to this, which I would think there is (obviously). But still I don’t see how vrittis <the fluctuations of our minds> can be eliminated by just sitting with them and observing, without actually actively doing something about them, with full consciousness.

Anyhow, I guess the only way to find out is to experience it and keep trying, with patience and consistency. One of the gold pieces of advice I got in there from the discourses is to stop expecting something special to occur and just accept the reality as it is.

This was also one of my main struggles. I was constantly expecting a WOW moment. If we really want it, it will eventually come, but at its own time. And our job first of all is to pay deep attention to the changes in oneself, little by little, and to take really good care of the practices and seeds we are planting within us. What do we want to achieve? And does my day to day actions and thought match with that? If we don’t pay attention to this, then how do we expect a WOW moment at the end of the day? It all should start from the seeds. It will bloom when it blooms and the way it should bloom. A good seed, with proper water and good care, will give us a good result. A bad seed, even if we give our live to take care of it, once planted it can only give what it has.

My personal suggestion to anyone who is curious about trying this out would only be: Do NOT believe anything I said, and go experience it for yourself. This is and would always be the only way to find out… Go, live it and discover your very own truth.

And remember, this too shall pass…

namaste significado


A Year Full of Blessings, Challenges & Lessons to Learn

Nov 1st 2016

2016 – Definitely a year I didn’t expect. Looking back at to how it was supposed to be, it turned out 360 degrees different.

It hasn’t been a flowing and easy year for me. Somehow my relationships this year were just out of control. I had and am still having a hard time trying to understand the reason of it all. I don’t feel I’ve changed that much to make my relationships turned around this way from one day to another. Have I?

Since the very beginning of the year: colleagues, really close friends, others not so close, men, parents, sister, brother, strangers… I’m not exaggerating, this year my relationships have really really sucked! Some have turned out great after touching rock bottom, and some are still finding its way, healing with time and slowly turning around.

I know there are no coincidences, and I know there is just way too much happening: with me, with people I know, with people I don’t know, with the world in general… It’s too much to blame somebody or something specifically. It’s the stars, it’s the planets, it’s humanity finishing with our Mother Earth 😦 It’s Karma and the Universe telling us to slow down & re-think the way we live our lives, the way we treat ourselves and the way we treat others.

Also, this year I haven’t done much yoga. I miss meditation a lot too and I don’t know why I just don’t sit down and get it over with. It’s taking way too much energy from me to do stuff related to what I love the most. Isn’t that weird? How do I change that? How do I go back to where I was exactly one year ago, feeling over the moon for how things turned out to be for me after taking the yoga road? Was that it?

Well no… this is now the real yoga I guess… these moments which make you feel like you’ve failed in everything and you still need to breath in and keep calm. I haven’t been able to do that though. I have had insomnia for the last weeks, not being able to shut my mind down (“Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodah” is what I keep repeating to myself). And after spending hours and hours in bed, going around trying to finally find some sleep, I find myself allowing my head to think way too much, sneaking in during a big part of my nightly hours. I think about the past (terrible idea) and I think about the future. I’m everywhere except here… in the present.

It has not been all terrible though – don’t get me wrong. I have been in wonderful places since the beginning of the year, and have met beautiful people too. Thailand, Bali, India, California, various cities & beaches in Mexico, Cuba, USA… anyone who hears this would say I’m just being ungrateful, complaining about my year when I have had amazing opportunities. I am grateful, and I have had beautiful times I wouldn’t change for anything in the world. Boy, I am blessed.

It’s just that for a few years now I’ve thought that it is not too much about where have you been, but whom have you been with in those places & have you deeply treasured them? What have you learnt? What did you bring back with you? Did you do good to others? Did you nourish your relationships? Could you have done something different? Did you take in the lesson? Did you live fully as if it was your very last day?

Samalayuca Dunes, Chihuahua, Mexico

It is now December 31st and I was thinking about writing something about my year, when I found the text written above.

I’ve realized I have passed the crisis of 2016, which basically lasted half a year (!) and thankfully I’m now moving on to the 2017 new energy that always comes with a new year. I’m excited for what is coming. Slowly I’ve been able to think a bit clearer every day and I feel that my relationships in general are finally good again (relief sigh….). I can even see the year with different eyes!

Yes, 2017 it’s a new year, and yes it does bring new energy BUT just as we experienced in 2016, a year can bring in unexpected things and unexpected energy with it. It’s an energy that is much stronger than any individual energy. It is a collective one that weights and carries much more than what we can manage.

So, even if this New Year has promising expectations (damn, I said the word)… I will remember that no matter what is happening for me and around me, I have to create my own year. I have to work with myself to embrace everything that comes, to see the simple things and to be able to look clearly at the opportunities that are presented to me, because even in the worst situations there is always ALWAYS something we need to take out of it.

I want to live every day and be able to be grateful of at least one important thing in my day, and to be able to take at least one lesson from it, every single day. I wont allow myself to feel sorry or self-compassion, because I learned that this only makes it worse. I will surround myself with strong and happy people whenever I feel I can’t stand on my own two feet. I will reach out for my loved ones and I will make them feel my love for them in every opportunity I can. I will stay out of the Internet as much as I can, I will stop asking stupid questions to Goggle, which only deviate me from going inside and asking my own soul what does it feel… does it feel right? I will live more in the present and stop worrying that much about the future, which I can’t control anyways. I will look into the future – yes, because that’s me, I create a collage every year of things I want to work on and materialize (and many of those things usually happen!); but I won’t cling in to my plans, and I won’t obsess about things not going “the way they were supposed to”. I will live every moment, take it in, and enjoy the people, the places, myself. I will accept me as I am, love me as I am, and love others, because without love we are nothing but ego, and I am ready to move away from mine.


I wish for whoever is reading this, a Happy and Prosperous New Year, full of Joy, Health and Abundant with Love ♥ We are all in this together… Let’s stay together.


My teachers in Mysore – Part 2: Opening the body inside out


I wrote this piece a while ago, just before leaving Mysore last summer. I am about to finish my short 2-week practice with Ajay once again, and its incredible that months later, I feel exactly the same about it. If I were to write it again, I think it would be pretty much the same:) except that this time I got to share the experience with a beautiful friend<3 my almost 1 year travel companion. Feeling blessed to have a witness and be someone’s witness in this deep journey of yoga, to be happy together and “devastated” together. Thank you!


13/Jul/15 – Ajay Kumar.

Sthalam8 it’s a small shala in the area of Lakshmipuram, one of the main towns of Mysore, where the lately well-known Ajay Kumar along with his assistant Shiva Prakash, teaches the traditional Asthanga yoga as taught by BNS Iyengar.

After having spent one month with M.V. Chidananda, the first impression as soon as I started my first class with Ajay was that it would be a bit hard to get used to a completely different style of teaching, different breathing tempo, adjustments, opening & closing prayer… Everything was different.

I was a bit resistant for change because I wondered if I was going to get the same benefits as my previous teacher already got to know my body and its weakest points, and now knew how to tackle them!

But… I have to say, I was very well surprised!

Day 1, adjustment number 1 in downward dog, and Ajay already tells me that my main problem is in my shoulders… my sweet little shoulders. They are tight as hell (not quoting him by the way). I couldn’t do anything but smile because I knew that he knew, not only about my shoulders or whichever part of my body… but I mean, he knew stuff… he can feel stuff… I was in good hands.

His main approach in teaching is of course Ashtanga, which you do most days of the week in a traditional way, but there are a few variations which makes it quite enjoyable for a change:

On Thursdays we start with the normal sequence but after warming up for a while he stops everyone to start his Vinyasa class. It is really REALLY good! This is an opportunity to learn and properly practice jump backs, jump-throughs, bandhas, breath. He also shows you different bodies to start training your eyes to notice things – in yourself and others. It’s my favourite class so far :).

On Sundays there is a self-practice in the morning where no teacher is adjusting, so you can feel free to roll as you wish. The reason for this is because later that day he does a back-bending class. No… wait, let me say this again… He does an AMAZING back-bending class! It is beyond what I was expecting and he makes you work a lot! If you do it just as he tells you, you will feel your quads working like crazy. With a variety of sun salutations, you also learn to feel what he calls the ‘dead’ part of our bodies, which is mainly the upper & middle part of the back, as well as working the lower one in a safe way.

He makes you work your shoulders, your arms, your hips, your legs… e v e r y t h i n g. And I apologize in advance as this is not a very nice thing to imagine but I have never seen my sweat coming out of my pores like that. I had my body activated every single second, or at least I felt so.

What’s funny though is that after more than 2 hours of class, only the last 20 minutes are actually about the traditional back bending & dropping back, but by that time you already had felt whatever you were meant to feel, and so much more. You’ve opened your body so much that the sensation goes not only to the physical but to more subtle layers, especially on the heart area. You’ve prepared your body for the real thing and at this point it seems now a little bit less impossible to do.

I loved it, although I can’t do most of the things, but as he says: “You are not here to show what you can do good, but what you can’t, so that I can help”.


Ajay is really an excellent teacher and I am very happy that I had the chance to study with him during my last weeks in Mysore. He might seem a little bit intimidating at first, but he is very sweet actually, nice to talk to and to be with. He cares about bonding with students and every once in a while has breakfast with everyone in the cafe. He makes you laugh at class sometimes with his jokes about “bleeding his eyes out” for seeing you do the poses so wrong!

But he is also very strict and doesn’t play any games. He doesn’t hesitate to tell you what you are doing wrong and that you are not listening to his simple instructions. He teaches you to listen, to focus, to breath and use bandhas. He is very aware of how the energy flows in the room. He will never push you further than your limits (and he won’t allow you to go there) but still he will always encourage you to try new things. It’s like his personal challenge… you have to walk out of there with something new to take with you.

After a week of practice he allowed me to do the whole primary series, and even though I did it horribly with no modifications, I know he just wants me to try! To feel what its like to do things you’ve never even try to do, and that you tell yourself you just can’t. The key is just to do your part: breathe “good and proper”, and let him do his. Then all is coming 🙂

El mundo es nuestra Casa

03-Mar-16. Mysore,India

Hoy, exactamente 1 año después de haber tomado ese avión fuera de Londres, el avión que básicamente cambio mi vida, empiezo nuevas aventuras. Increíble imaginar todo lo que ha pasado en 1 año!

Día 1 de mi curso de Masaje de Yoga Ayurvédico. Tenia ya varios meses emocionada de que este día llegara. Y heme aquí ahora, sin querer, en el día 3 del mes 3, de nuevo planeando inicios, planeando mi vida en terrenos que pensé eran firmes, y que ahora se me mueven y estoy tratando de pisar con mas seguridad. Y no es tanto el curso, sino lo que esta representando. 3… hay algo que me esta haciendo ver ese numero en todos lados últimamente. De hecho parece que Marzo tiene un algo, que ahora que lo pienso, hace que de alguna forma las cosas en mi vida se meneen tantito, que tomen otros rumbos.

Hoy es mi primer día en Mysore, mi segunda vez aquí. La ultima vez fue hace 7-8 meses, pero se siente como si nunca me hubiera ido: una sensación de familiaridad increíble, y de bienvenida también. Se siente como en casa – tanto así que venia hablando con el taxista al final del largo viaje de 3 horas que se hace de Bangalore a Mysore, y hablábamos de gente que conocíamos en común (que Vemkatesh el que me renta el cuarto, que Kumar el que trabaja en equis shala, que fulanita quien prepara la comida…). Pasa el día, y me entero también que 3 compañeros con los que comparti el shala de Marci & Rolf en Goa, hace ya también 1 año, estan acá, en su propia aventura. Ya tengo una cita para ver amigos… en India! en mi primer día! sí que es pequeño el mundo 🙂

Este tipo de cosas me hacen pensar… bueno, donde es casa en realidad? Casa para mi claro que siempre será mi Juárez bello, pero en realidad he aprendido que ‘Casa’ es donde el corazón se siente agusto y en paz. Personalmente, cuando mi felicidad es tanta, el corazón me sube de temperatura, se siente calientito… feliz.

Y hablando de esa jornada de viaje en taxi… Resulta que por “casualidades” del destino me tocó compartirlo con una chica que también está en el curso que estoy tomando. Eso no es la casualidad, ya que compartir transporte con gente que llegara a horas similares fue totalmente planeado. Lo que no fue planeado fue que esta chica francesa de 30 años, sentada en seguida de mí y recorriendo esa larga carretera conmigo, a la misma hora, en el mismo lugar, se llamara exactamente igual que yo! Laura…. Garcia…. Sip. Exactamente así.

“Casualidad?”… Nah.

“Las casualidades son subrayados, subrayados para que sepamos que debemos fijarnos en algo.”

Y regresando al tema de “Dónde es casa?” Hoy también conocí a otra francesa en el curso. Una señora guapa, con ojos azules y profundos. Soy malísima calculando edades, pero solo dire que tiene ya el pelo blanco y lindas arrugas en la piel, que solo la hacen ver aún mas bella. Roselle habla perfecto español y tiene viviendo en México ya más de 30 años simplemente porque la primera vez que estuvo ahí se enamoró del país, y tras un divorcio temprano decidió seguir su sueño y regresar para quedarse. Hoy dice orgullosa que tiene ya una nieta 100% mexicana. Definitivamente esta mujer que acabo de conocer se ha convertido en una gran inspiración para mi. A su edad, nada la detiene. Esta aquí, aprendiendo algo nuevo, usando todas sus habilidades para lograr una meta más en su vida. A pesar de vivir en un país como Francia con comodidades de primer mundo, decidió seguir su corazón y estar en cambio en un lugar que la hiciera sentir viva. Tenia una casita hace no mucho, pero hoy que su hijo ya es esposo y padre, no tiene nada que la ate a ningún lugar, así que pasa algunos meses en India viajando y aprendiendo, y cuando regresa a Mexico simplemente renta un lugarcito para sentirse de nuevo como en casa. Así de simple. Quién necesita de cosas para ser feliz? Ya deseo yo llegar a tomar la vida así cuando la edad nos empieza a asustar y a susurrar al oído que necesitamos una seguridad material para sentir tranquilidad. Pff… Lección aprendida! Suficiente para terminar mi día con una sonrisa enorme en el rostro.

Querida Roselle, acaba de ayudar a formar una imagen de mí misma a futuro que no había siquiera considerado. Y me encanta! Gracias 🙂


Magic in a Full Moon day


Today was the first Full Moon of the year. Quite a strong one. Whether you felt it or not, or better said, whether if you were conscious of its effects or not, this day has definitely created some movement. I like to believe movement is always for the best, although sometimes it comes with heavy baggage and lessons to be learned.

For me, it has been more of an “awakening” to stuff I was not probably seeing very clearly. I have been questioning myself lots of things, not too much looking for answers about myself, but more in regards to how my relationships with other people is at the moment. And strangely enough I’m not talking about friends, family or couple relationships, but those that happen with complete strangers: How am I in those kind of relationships? Which role I play or like to play? Which role I’m avoiding? Am I judgmental of their actions? Am I understanding? Am I protecting myself too much or am I approachable enough to others? Can others learn and take something nice out of a spare moment shared with me or am I not even close to transmit such a thing? What am I doing right, what am I doing wrong?

These couple of days have brought to me all sorts of questions and self-reflections about the role I’m playing right now in my life with people. I want this year to be based on people, not on things, not on places… on people. So today’s full moon has been unconsciously a great opportunity to reflect upon it.

I won’t be able to tell exactly the effects this moon has had over me, probably until I fully experiment those effects, but because it has been an important day for me and because I LOVE the mystic side of this beautiful big round star, I will share what I have learned of it today, from a couple of different sites.

“Many of us may feel like we’ve literally been thrown to the wolves during the month of January. The planetary energy has been rocky and the start to 2016 has been anything but smooth. We can thank Mercury retrograde coupled with some other intense planetary combinations for that.”

That explains my craaaazy start of January, as I have never had so many changes in my itinerary and my “perfectly planned” life as I’ve had in the last 2 weeks. But I’m all good. Thankfully the changes have been all for good (or this is how I’m choosing to take them) so I’ve been embracing the change quite well I have to say… and actually enjoying it!

I also found a beautiful Full Moon ritual that I followed step-by-step yesterday and I feel so so happy as I did it with all my heart and I actually received a nice message in my dream, at 3am in the morning. I woke up, wrote my dream before I fell back to sleep, and now its there on writing – Somehow it feels more real like that. I share this ritual in case you want to do it – I have read somewhere that the moon strong effect lasts for about 2 days (before and after) the actual Full Moon Day, so there is still time! Enjoy:)

First of all reflect upon the following:

“Themes of the January 23rd full moon in Leo are: -Standing apart. -Courage. -Letting go. -Seeing the unseen. -A wise and powerful woman becoming illuminated.”

“The Full Moon is always a time of illumination, and during these deep Mercury Retrograde days of revisiting, restructuring and rebuilding, it’s important that we take note of what we are seeing.

-Are we in alignment with our truth? -With our wisdom? -Do we honor our wisdom or do we defer to “experts?”

“Full Moon Ritual: Accessing Your Wisdom.

1) Take some time to bathe yourself in the moonlight. Allow yourself to simply be at rest and to soak up the rays of the Full Moon.

2) Use a fresh page in your journal to answer these questions:

-What am I the goddess of?  –What areas of life do I rule? –What is my deepest wisdom? –How can I apply my wisdom more widely? –Who can I share it with?

3) Place your writing on your altar or sacred space. Nearby, light a candle in a power color (red, orange or purple) and allow it to burn all the way down (if you can’t let it burn all the way, then snuff it out (rather than blowing out the flame). Keep lighting and snuffing out the candle until it has burned entirely.

4) Ask your guides for a dream message on how to more fully step into your power before you go to sleep. Upon waking, write down what you remember of your dream, even if it is just one tiny snippet.

Stand in your strength and honor your wisdom. Athena has your back.”

And last but not least, some affirmations to make you feel strong, courageous, safe and with full potential in this beautiful and powerful day. My personal message from here was:

I am at home – I breathe – My heart is warm, its safe.

What’s yours?

I finished my day joining a circle of beautiful yogis and doing a ritual to honour this day. We brought intentions & physical objects to cleanse and offer. We cleaned the space with nice energy, did a couple of moon salutations bringing energy inwards and then offering energy outwards. It finished with a closed-eye meditation, next to some people I’ve known for a while and whom I love, and some others who I just started to get to know but are teaching me so much already.

This day could not have ended better than the way it did: jumping into the water, the infinity pool that I have been overlooking for the last weeks, and floating face up, looking and contemplating the wonders of the sky.

Happy Full Moon 🙂


Expectations – yours or mine?

Life is full of expectations… We are full of expectations. People expect us to do certain things, to be certain people, to act in a certain way in public, to do what it’s ‘right’ for society in order to fill their own ideals.


Life is full of expectations… We are full of expectations. People expect us to do certain things, to be certain people, to act in a certain way in public, to do what it’s ‘right’ for society in order to fill their own ideals. We all have them, and since we are little this is what they taught us to look at, and it’s ok! sometimes we need guidelines and someone to shed some light from the distance, but it’s just that… these freaking expectations… they are making a lot of noise around me.

I am not a mother, but I have friends with children. I’ve had the blessing of baby sitting for one of my best friends a few times in the last months. I always enjoy these moments as being surrounded by children who are brought up in some much love it’s so beautiful to see, and I completely love it. But, BUT, I also realized so closely for the very first time what a huge responsibility that is! It’s like suddenly your “me” time is completely gone, vanished, adiós. From one day to another your biggest priority in life is your children and the daily education you give to them, teaching them how to eat, how to behave, how to have schedules and disciple, when it’s ok to sleep or to scream or to play, and when it’s not… when to show their anger, when to show love, when and how to control their emotions… Wow, just by thinking about it I am already exhausted.

But even if I would really want to know how this situation is in real life, I don’t actually know (just yet), so I can’t really talk about it. And if you are wondering what the hell all this has to do with expectations, well,  what I’m just sitting down here for is to try to remember: When was the very first moment in life in which we started setting up expectations in our children, parents, jobs, friends, lovers? even strangers!? And at some point it just gets so out of control that this concept ends up affecting the way we move through life.

I don’t know if I’m just going through a time of my life that will pass soon, but lately the situations that I have been into seem a little bit of a test to me: people around me getting engaged, getting married, getting children, getting dogs, getting a house, getting their life sorted. My dear parents and I having fights because it’s difficult for them to understand my way of living (or probably because I have not been able to explain to them properly). And then getting even more fights when we start talking about my personal life:  “Mom, I might never married”, “I don’t know mom, I don’t even have a boyfriend right now”, “Mom, I’m happy! my happiness doesn’t depend on finding some-one”, “Mom, if I marry, it might not be in the catholic church… I don’t even know if the guy will have the same religion as me and I don’t really care”, “Yes Mom, I am 29 now, but I feel young!”… “Mom, please don’t cry” 😦

My mother is the most amazing woman I know and she has been the biggest key to open many doors in my life AND I love her deeply. But I am scared of disappointing her. First, me getting out of a stable job from an investment bank in London – the dream job for many, the dream city for many more… Ok, that took her time (took THEM time, because my dad was part of it too even if he wants to deny it). And now, with my love life not going anywhere at the moment, and my ideas of marriage and kids and families and houses changing in directions I never thought they will…

I wish that no one ever had taught us about expectations. They are just a slow road to disappointment for the subject involved, but an even more painful one for the part that is setting the expectations on you, either consciously or unconsciously. It’s painful when you don’t want to hurt, but still you have to, unless you want to hurt yourself by not being true to yourself. However, sometimes I do think: Is it possible that maybe I was expecting the same for myself in the first place? Is it possible that I am still expecting that and I will end up hurting no one but myself? Maybe that is it, but I guess I will know when the time comes where I have to make such big decisions for my life. For now they are just ideas, thoughts, feelings of how I think it will be. I am curious of how the reality will turn out to be.

My teachers in Mysore – Part 1: Breath, my dancing partner

June 2015

My first time in Mysore and I was lucky enough to have fallen into good hands. Before coming here my plans regarding the teacher I would be practicing with were completely different; but on the process of emailing and investigating about the teachers here I realized that I have decided to come precisely on the months where most of them are away on tour. It’s a common thing and most of them will have specific dates they go away during the year but being new to all this I had no clue. Thankfully I got sooo many recommendations from people that I know who put me in contact with a friend or a friend of a friend who have been here, and that helped a lot! It’s incredible how the information just comes to you when you really really want it. Thank you everyone who helped:)

One of the teachers that came up on that list was M V Chidananda, a disciple of BNS Iyengar. I went to the web and started searching. Many of my decisions are based on my first gut feeling, even when choosing a wine – I don’t look at the price or the grape or the bottle, it’s something about the label calling me that I just know it will be good. Same as with this, I didn’t overstudy how recognized the teachers were or how many qualifications they had, I just knew that this one felt right and something said to me: Go for it!

M V Chidananda is a very good, knowledgeable and respectable ashtanga teacher in Mysore. He is a good man and he will always happily welcome you and guide you step by step in your practice regardless of your level. It’s so inspiring to see how much energy he puts into each of his students and on each and every single adjustment. He does really deep adjustments by the way, and I must say that before I secretly hated it (or maybe not that secretly). I thought that if you get adjusted too much, you wouldn’t be able to work hard enough as someone was kind of doing the job for you. And also I was really scared that one day one of those adjustments would injure me or break me into half. I was wrong! This is not necessarily true, especially if you have someone who can guide you safely. Being a stiff person myself I have to say I felt really very safe with him since day one – that kind of feeling where you completely surrender into whatever your teacher is doing and telling you to do. He genuinely wants to help you, he wants you to feel that part of your body you have never felt, even if it’s hard to get to. But you´re in good hands; he is intuitive enough to know where and when to stop without a word.

I didn’t open my mouth once during practice – he didn’t either. There was no need for it, the key was on breathing long and deep and moving with that, pretty much like a dance. Inhale…… Exhale…… It was a little magical.

Mysore Mandala, my yoga shala in Lakshmipuram
Mysore Mandala, yoga shala in Lakshmipuram

I was practicing with him for a month, but one month, two months, three months… it’s never enough when you are seeing and feeling the results, you just want to keep doing it. I have never gone as deep in forward folds as I did here, nor have ever felt my hips and groin stretching this much. It was painful, but it’s a good kind of pain, the pain where you know that you’ve just found the exact place where the blockage is, and now you can focus and breathe into it. In the same way, I have never twisted my body in such a way that I could barely find my breath in between all that squeeze, it was intense. But he is always there.. to show you where your body can go, and you can count on full 5 long and deep breaths with him guiding you passionately, in a silence where only breath is allowed to be.

You come here to learn, to try new things, even if you think they look horrible and go against what you have learned before. Relax and forget about all these ideas you have in your mind about how good or how bad you look in a pose. You will be wasting your time because during this month I couldn’t find space for our little egos who sometimes are just waiting to come out. You are here to feel. You are trapped into this practice where there is no need to pretend anything at all. No one knows you, you don´t know anyone. Its just you and your practice, like it should be.


Sometimes we just have to let things go


I have spent the last 3 days in Bangkok, which turned to be quite an interesting trip for me. I cannot say that I discovered too much of the city, actually, for the first time in my solo travels I felt a little bit lost, wandering around, not knowing what to do, where to go, who to hang out with (should I look for people? be by myself? none?!…). I have a feeling that I still cannot absorb what has happened in the last 2 months since the moment I decided to leave the life I knew and embark into a new life that I thought I knew better, but oh boy! little did I know… little did I know.

What happened these last 2 months in India? Nothing happened, and yet everything happened. Yes, I have been practicing yoga, although maybe not as much as I would have liked – but I guess what you do in your day and how you spend it, its a choice you make every day and its only up to ourselves, so I cannot blame anyone for that. Maybe my expectations where different too. I saw myself completely immerse into yoga, 24/7, walking out of India more open, with a more flexible body, maybe a tiny bit more enlightened (ha!), and the reality is that maybe all of this is true and I still can´t see it, but it is also true that India´s lifestyle, the heat, the smells, the lack of comforts, the language, the noise! (and the list can go on & on) made it a little bit harder that I thought it would be. Don´t get me wrong, I loved India and I am planning to go back, hopefully. It´s just…

Yes! expectations! I pictured myself waking up every day, meditating, doing my practice, studying the Yoga Sutras, chanting, doing pranayama, completely changing my diet, my lifestyle, doing cleansing techniques, wearing a bindi, learning from masters and understanding deeeeep stuff, and then of course applying all of these into my life, doing it every single day … for the rest of my days. Yeah, maybe I was asking a bit too much from myself…

Nevertheless, I was so sad and disappointed to discover that I was not doing all those things… or that I would ever be able to. Maybe I was being naive believing that one can be that kind of yogi. Maybe it no longer exists. Maybe this plan would have worked in my previous existence, a few lives ago. But Today… ! I mean, when would one have time to teach? to meet people? to spend time with family, with friends, with our loved ones? to travel? to work? to cook? (yeah, ok I don´t cook), but even to enjoy the amazing mundane pleasures of life every once in a while…? it´s valid, right?

…. Ok, I am having a crisis… but I have calmed down… So now I guess my expectations will have to adapt. And that´s ok. So I will start over.

My new dream today is to live a normal, modern life and still be a truly dedicated and inspiring yogi, helping others, transmitting whatever I am able to transmit (positive stuff I hope), show people this amazing path which is yoga and be part of their journey, learn from them, give love, receive love, evolve every day. I would love to be able to do all of that and more without being taken for a joke or for not being good enough… just because I´m not leaving everything behind me, just because I am not “one of those” yogis.


So yes, Bangkok wasn´t necessarily a leisure trip for me. It was more of a cushion, a pause, a time of reflection, of questioning… What am I doing? Where am I going? What I´m doing now is bringing me closer to where I want to be? What is next in my path, in my future? (which also seems to be the #1 favourite of my family). I have been planning and re-planning for the last days, trying to make things work perfectly, thinking too much, going around and around in my head.

I know, I have to stop. Things don´t get solved by over-thinking them, instead the path keep getting blurrier the more you look at it. It´s just the way it is. And inside of me I know that I just have to let go, trust and have faith with all my heart that answers will come when I am ready, when it is the right time…

4/May/2015 … (continuation)

I am in Koh Samui now. I am in paradise, writing in front of the swimming pool with tremendous views of the sea, feeling completely at peace, listening to the birds and the sound of water moving, ahhh that amazing sound. Here I can even hear the wind, enjoy the sun on my skin, take energy from it and finally feel like I am coming back to being “me” again.

I know this is temporary, and that even though I am here fully dedicated to yoga for the next month assisting my wonderful teachers, I will have to go back to reality and confront whatever I left in pause. But I don´t want to think about the future. Here I feel at peace, I feel blessed and happy to have my family in my life, my friends and my teachers. Happy to be always surrounded by people who I deeply deeply love, and who love me back and accept me as I am, wherever in my path I might be. People who believe in me and who don´t care how do I choose to live my life. They still love me. They see me with kindness, they guide me and yet they are humble enough to let themselves be guided.

I am truly blessed, we all are. And I have now decided that I won´t pretend to be someone I am not. I am not a monk or a Buddhist or an Indian yogi from the ancient times. There is so many people I could compare myself to, so many people who I admire. But no. I am who I am. And you have to be who you are in this world, and be happy with it, share as much as you can from it, learn as much as you can from it.

“Who Am I?” I feel that trying to put a name to it would just be a matter of status, of identity, of ego, of separation… Right now the only words I can relate to and that I have been constantly repeating to myself are:


And it feels good:)

P.S. Opening my 2nd travel envelope, meant to be used only in emergencies, and it reads:


– “Sometimes we just have to let things go” –